Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. While you are feasting on turkey (or perhaps tofurkey), enjoy these pics I took last night from the Macy’s Day ‘Inflation Celebration’ — that is, the pre-Thanksgiving balloon inflation on the Upper West Side. It was miserable weather last night, but I have to…

Conversations in Words and Pictures: November 23, 2014
WORDS: It started out like any other day. I woke up just before the alarm, turned it off so as not to wake my husband. Hauled myself out of bed, put on my faded bunny slippers and padded to the bathroom. My business there taken care of, I proceeded to the kitchen, put on water,…

New Orleans City Park
The live oaks in New Orleans’ City Park exist as they have for hundreds of years.

Windows on New Orleans
While walking the streets of the French Quarter, I peered through the following windows.

New Orleans in Black and White
For every experience during my trip to New Orleans, there was good and bad. The French Quarter was quaint, but the city overall felt unsafe. People were kind and approachable, but there is a definite undercurrent of racism. On and on it went. While my perspective is limited to that of a tourist, I make…

Crescent City Connection
In November, I took a trip to New Orleans. My first trip there. I’m glad to say I’ve been, and I would like to return to see more of New Orleans and of Louisiana at large. I feel like my trip was limited to that of the perspective of a tourist, and that there is…

Landscape: Contrasts
Photos from Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida.